

I can remember, now
I feel it again. . .
That pitch black blanket of time
flowing in, flowing out of reality
limbs, entangled --
whose limbs?

Flowing in
a blackish gray movement
then, a definable motion
tentacles, smoothly sweeping over
my grayness
my tepid --

Flowing in
I check again
is it skin?
There is something
blocking my aloneness

Flowing in
it's something 
completely outside of me --
but as gray
almost as familiar
it moves again

Flowing in
my god, it's a hand!
Oh, yes, of course
it's a hand
warm, defined
I find a hand, myself
I move it across they grayness
in front of me

Flowing in
it's him, again
we stir
I entertain a thought
What is the time?
I keep my eyes closed

Flowing out
no matter
no worry
no more thoughts
warmth and stillness suffice
-- and the vision

Flowing out
quicksilver going down
a fountain
some words I'll never 

Flowing out
into blackness
and streaks of colors
Heavy, heavy
I have no grayness
to call my own. . .

- Jan. 4, 1986, A.D.

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