
I'd Rather Smoke

[note:  if there was ever a tune for these lyrics, I don't remember them.]

I walked out on the street
I walked this way and that
I tried to think of a reason
why you treat me so bad
I went on down to the store
and bought a bottle of Jack
(spoken) Baby, why are you less gratifying than a cigarette?

I walk the dog in the daytime
in the night I call the cat
I've got nothing to do but eat
and now I'm getting fat
I hold a sweater in my lap
and slowly pick out all the fuzz
(spoken) Baby, why can't you give something more than that old nicotine buzz?

Cause I'm lost for the reason
that you make me so blue
(spoken) Baby, why would I rather have a Camel than be with you?

I'd rather smoke
ooooh I'd rather smoke
I'd rather smoke
yeah yeah I'd rather smoke

(early '86)


The Floodgates

I can't stand to be with him
for we have barriers
I have barriers
He has barriers
and I have endless notations in my mind
instead of love

And in the dark
we hold each other
we clench fiercely
and make love
for here, we believe we can find
what we have lost
but in the light, 
we are blank faces

I can't hide in the light!
I can't cover up my fears
I must fight
to look so indifferent
I must pull at my cheeks
for an occasional smile
I must turn away with my eyes
just before they conjure water
because I can't talk -
I'm so afraid of what the truth might be
I can't tell him 
that I'm so confused

There's too much water
pushing against this 
battered dam
why have I been holding out?
when there could be so much love
I must release the pain
in order to relieve the pressure. . .

Floodgate 1:
A father with a mind to my failure
he has never believed in my dreams
telling me I'm wrong
Am I wrong?
Was I wrong from the start?
Will I be wrong again?

Floodgate 2:
A self-centered poet
who wants herself more than anything else
who has devoted her life to love
who talks of pain,
but who cannot stand to feel it
who talks of love,
but who cannot stand to feel it

Floodgate 3:
A set of ideas
of what a person should be 
that would stop the love
if it could
that would make me wait
for no less than a god

Floodgate 4:
A lover who I love
but who falls short of the mark
who has no words to love me by
who's so discreet when people are around
that I sometimes wonder. . .

Floodgate 5:
A need I have
to share and to receive
that the public may know it
that world may know it
a need I have 
for some devotion

Floodgate 6:
A necessity for attention, sacrifice,
that primordial touch
and an understanding of love.

Now that the floodgates are known,
let them open, and release the river
so I can claw my way 
to solid ground. . .

- Jan. 4, 1986, A.D.

Application to the Forgiving for Consideration in Love

Dear Sir:

If I could know love, then I could love.
And perhaps I do. . .

I am a young woman, five-foot-six, with dyed black hair and green eyes.  When I was a child, the profile of my nose was like a ski slope.  I have a spot between my eyes from when I had chicken pox.  My lips are fat, but my cheeks are fatter.  I don't like how I look without make-up.  I always wanted to get compliments about my eyes, but I hardly ever do.

My body is confusing.  I have no waist, and my hips are too high.  My stomach is always a little fat.  My breasts hang down in a useless sort of way.  But worst of all are my thumbs:  One is longer than the other, and they're both too short.  And my fingernails are flat and boring.

Dear Sir, these are only the externals of what you will have to overlook in me.  I am cold, but emotional.  I am pretentious.  I am ungiving to the depths of my soul.  Deep within me is a calloused, dark thing that could cause me to deny your existence someday.

Shall I go on?  I'm self-centered and self-serving.  And self-righteous.  

Do you love me still?  I am demanding.  I am moody.  I am reserved.

If, kindly, you will give me a chance, however, I might be able to find what you want.  For I do have a smile.  And I do have a look.  And when I dress up to go out, I really can look great.

And I've got a strength.  I've got a power.  I am intelligent, but not obnoxious.  I enjoy happiness, but I have serious concerns.  I love doing things for people.  I love people.  And life.  And this, I might share with you.

Dear Sir, please, take this hand, and hold this wretched thumb.  Take my eyes and behold them as emeralds.  Take my heart, and feel the strength and the energy that pumps my blood.  My love beckons you.

Dear Sir, please overlook what I have learned to overlook in myself.  If you will bear the burden of my shortcomings -- if, in fact, you will see some beauty in me -- then I am yours, all yours, for eternity.

- Jan 4. 1986, A.D.

That Deep, Begging Bed

That deep
begging bed of grass
rather soft
rather irritating
it's where I lie
most of the time, these days

the snake got me early 
so I ate from the picnic basket
it's no wonder I had to
share it with you

with a severed lip
I made love to you
on solid ground
and now
we torturously cling
to the edge
of the cliff
and I want to mean well
but the skin of my fingers
is coming off
how can I smile
when I'm trying to hang on?

you don't understand
why I bite
because I hate the infant
but I love the child

so roll over
I need some room on
this flat earth
we'll find the missing sock
we'll toss the grease out 
another day

don't you worry
just keep looking the other way
and you're bound
to miss it, again

- Jan. 4, 1986, A.D.


I can remember, now
I feel it again. . .
That pitch black blanket of time
flowing in, flowing out of reality
limbs, entangled --
whose limbs?

Flowing in
a blackish gray movement
then, a definable motion
tentacles, smoothly sweeping over
my grayness
my tepid --

Flowing in
I check again
is it skin?
There is something
blocking my aloneness

Flowing in
it's something 
completely outside of me --
but as gray
almost as familiar
it moves again

Flowing in
my god, it's a hand!
Oh, yes, of course
it's a hand
warm, defined
I find a hand, myself
I move it across they grayness
in front of me

Flowing in
it's him, again
we stir
I entertain a thought
What is the time?
I keep my eyes closed

Flowing out
no matter
no worry
no more thoughts
warmth and stillness suffice
-- and the vision

Flowing out
quicksilver going down
a fountain
some words I'll never 

Flowing out
into blackness
and streaks of colors
Heavy, heavy
I have no grayness
to call my own. . .

- Jan. 4, 1986, A.D.