
Letter to Simon Le Bon

Dear Simon,

Have you ever had a vision, and then not been sure if it was a memory, or from a dream, or perhaps even if you had ever experienced that vision before in your life?  That's what I call fluid time -- where everything is a memory, yet nothing has ever happened to you before.  All existence has a subconscious connection.

Have you ever waken from a dream, left only with the bare emotion, knowing no source?  Has the feeling plagued you all day?  To know something - to feel it; but not be able to grasp it?  The pain of the memory is how close you come to the answer.

If it is so, then here, we are alike.  I have had fantastic dreams!  Fantastic states of consciousness!  And they seem to relate to your lyrical style, in that they carry the same three-dimensional reality.  You are a master of the sub-conscious mind.  Today, I still feel like a slave.
(approx. 1983)

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