
Burial Wishes

Make a statue of me, or some beautiful girl, kneeling, with her left hand pointing up and her right hand in a fist.  She has a peace sign necklace and a common outfit on.  All around her, spirits hover.  Her face and hair is not perfect.  It is worn, but powerful.  Under the statue will be my name, dates, and a poem I'll have written for it.  I want the ground over my grave to be used for something.  Give me a very simple coffin and funeral.  However people come to the funeral, I want no cars or mechanics.  Just bicycles.  Don't wear black.  Wear your favorite outfit.  Casual.  Wear your favorite flower.  I would much like to have a token from everyone with me in my grave.  If my grass doesn't grow, bury me underwater (pond).  If the water is unsettled, leave me above ground until the next Saturday.  Then, bury me underground in the same place as before.  If the grass still doesn't grow, call a psychic.  If the psychic doesn't help, burn a ring around my grave.  If that doesn't work, build a hut around my grave and statue.  If that doesn't work, just leave me alone.  Then, and only then in the cycle, will it correct itself.
(approx. 1980-81)

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