
Poetry: 100% Pure Beef (or Vice-Versa)

100% pure beef
or vice-versa

she used to eat paper with expression
she was too young to get 
the punchline

a little brown on the edges
but chewy, and hard to digest
she tried the A-1 sauce,
but it dribbled over the sides
with determination,
she continued to cook

it was a cold January day
full of yearning
and desire
she was pushed over the edge --
she kept going
but still a little red on the inside

time for the barbeque sauce
remember, when in doubt,
always check the roots
abstract, cooking deep within the outer crust
beyond what can be seen
she continues
more slowly, now
more carefully

well done:
thank you.

- May 26, 1985, A.D.


What's Felt

What's felt
is known
and proven

More destiny than plan
Take it slow
it will last forever -- 
some way or another
not always good,
but sometimes 

but overwhelming,
suddenly, it all came together
in your mind;
I really meant it
and there I was

in soft contact
your heart is racing
I really mean it
you should never have to question
When I'm gone,
it will still be there
it's shorter than we think until --
hold on to that heartbeat
it speaks rightly
there are no deceptions
as we -
separate -
in time
only the heartbeat
don't ever seek more

Fluid time:
my next day
is the day with you
what matters here
is only a dream
it means something,
but I can't say what
it will be gone tomorrow

I'm flying like never before
my journey is just beginning
it's going to be good
and I'd like you to join me
at least for a while
It's waiting

How well it was known
seen, but deeply within
one view for each mind
merging in time
to one view to share
one feeling that binds us
never the same in both minds
but the single,
solitary heartbeat
will sustain the truth

It's nothing
and it's everything
it is also something
but don't confuse
what is born of the stars
with the laws
of the earth
all that is
is among the heartbeats
rules and obligations
will only stop the pulse

Yes, universally
don't know
I cannot say, yet
I have always known
and never known

There is no time
between the meetings
progress is fast
although spaced
by weeks
by clock
and calendar
it does not change us

I think I know how you feel
so obvious how it is with me
too easy
too good,
but meant to be
I'm not the only one who feels
you must deserve this happiness

For me?
I pessimize
what I deserve
is hope returned
perhaps it's the same light
we're searching for,

It's deep, this feeling
not easily broken
it's held firmly in the heartbeat
it belongs to you of its own free will
take care with it
it can enhance you

relax, content
and wait
tomorrow is today
what's felt 
is known
and proven

- May 20, 1985, A.D.


Steps to knowing a person

Acknowledged Stranger:

see her
realize that you've never seen or noticed her before
notice any unique physical traits
think about that person (ex: what's her name?  how old is she?)
observe things that she does
acknowledge her in the future as someone you've seen before
find out her name
determine why you find that person interesting
develop theories about what she's like
begin to think about her outside of the times that she is around

Beginning of Fusion:

find yourself in the same group of people as she
remark to something she says or does/ she remarks to something you say or do
be introduced
hold a conversation
speak to each other in the future

Become Acquaintances:

refer or speak to her using her name
develop an idea of her personality
see her again in a different situation
after having seen her under a different light, alter your interpretation of her personality to adapt to this new view
listen to others talk about her
apply others' views to your own
"test" those views by studying the person
come to conclusions about the others' views
ask her questions about herself/ she asks questions about you

Become Friends:

care about her
get to know her bad points
learn to accept those bad points
become comfortable meeting and talking to her at social events
become comfortable being alone with her
feel secure speaking to her while she is among her own friends
realize the things you both have in common
be content with your relationship as it stands

Hang Out Together:

go out of your way to call or see her
invite each other places
speak of her to others as a friend
think of her whenever in the mood to do something
begin to discuss deeper subjects with her
offer her your time if she requests it
your image of her is based more and more on what she tells you of herself, not what you see

Good Friends:

one finally deeply confides in the other
conflicts (ex: personality, ideological) arise, but are overcome
one comes to expect certain things of the other
a definite bond becomes evident
you and she are seen together often
any secrets, if known of, begin to be resented
openness becomes necessary for the sustenance of the relationship
you can honestly state your opinion of her to her
you feel comfortable saying almost anything to her
you come to a point where you would feel very empty if you were to ever lose her
perhaps there are some psychic transactions
two almost, but not completely, become one

- May 11, 1985, A.D.

[From 2009:  I just have to comment on this one.  I have no idea why I wrote this, and so it fascinates me.  Was it because I was taking sociology at the time?  Is it just another reminder of my inner obsessive geek?  Is there something I was trying to figure out here, or did I just happen to have a lot of extra time on my hands, that day?  I don't know.  Does it mean anything?]



Nautilus star, sunshine glow
brave, amidst a pale sea of suns
nebulas have wronged me
constellations have deceived
I am alone within my sea of dreams
no molecule can touch me
without burning to oblivion
I am hot glow
I am quicksilver sun
my ancestors rest on different planes of the ONE
don't stare at me too long
I'll burn your eyes right through
don't think of me too much
I'm nothing like you
don't try to find your place here
don't ever seek the truth
I am sun, light, shadow, darkness, 
me and you

Ride the orbit around my soul
I can touch you with my burning rays
don't look at me too long
or you might lose sight.

Perhaps you're on a distant planet
studying me with your telescopes
you know my chemistry
you know my physics
but you don't know me
Blister sunshine, inward glow
I am starlight
I am moonshine
I am hot, sweaty suntan sister sun
heat radiates until all is ONE
don't stare at me too long
I'll burn your eyes right through
don't think of me too much
I'm nothing like you
don't try to find your place, here
don't ever seek the truth
I am sun, light, shadow, darkness
me and you

Don't look at me too long
or you might lose sight.

- May 5, 1985, A.D.