
Steps to knowing a person

Acknowledged Stranger:

see her
realize that you've never seen or noticed her before
notice any unique physical traits
think about that person (ex: what's her name?  how old is she?)
observe things that she does
acknowledge her in the future as someone you've seen before
find out her name
determine why you find that person interesting
develop theories about what she's like
begin to think about her outside of the times that she is around

Beginning of Fusion:

find yourself in the same group of people as she
remark to something she says or does/ she remarks to something you say or do
be introduced
hold a conversation
speak to each other in the future

Become Acquaintances:

refer or speak to her using her name
develop an idea of her personality
see her again in a different situation
after having seen her under a different light, alter your interpretation of her personality to adapt to this new view
listen to others talk about her
apply others' views to your own
"test" those views by studying the person
come to conclusions about the others' views
ask her questions about herself/ she asks questions about you

Become Friends:

care about her
get to know her bad points
learn to accept those bad points
become comfortable meeting and talking to her at social events
become comfortable being alone with her
feel secure speaking to her while she is among her own friends
realize the things you both have in common
be content with your relationship as it stands

Hang Out Together:

go out of your way to call or see her
invite each other places
speak of her to others as a friend
think of her whenever in the mood to do something
begin to discuss deeper subjects with her
offer her your time if she requests it
your image of her is based more and more on what she tells you of herself, not what you see

Good Friends:

one finally deeply confides in the other
conflicts (ex: personality, ideological) arise, but are overcome
one comes to expect certain things of the other
a definite bond becomes evident
you and she are seen together often
any secrets, if known of, begin to be resented
openness becomes necessary for the sustenance of the relationship
you can honestly state your opinion of her to her
you feel comfortable saying almost anything to her
you come to a point where you would feel very empty if you were to ever lose her
perhaps there are some psychic transactions
two almost, but not completely, become one

- May 11, 1985, A.D.

[From 2009:  I just have to comment on this one.  I have no idea why I wrote this, and so it fascinates me.  Was it because I was taking sociology at the time?  Is it just another reminder of my inner obsessive geek?  Is there something I was trying to figure out here, or did I just happen to have a lot of extra time on my hands, that day?  I don't know.  Does it mean anything?]

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