
Poetic Bullshit, Part 2

read this, too, you asshole
I know it's poetic bullshit,
but it's my life

do you understand in the least what
I've been through?
I can't believe you
I can't believe myself for caring so much
about you

no, I'm not the most sensitive idiot in the world
but when it comes to people I really care about
treating me like shit -
that gets to me

"what did I do?" you ask
don't ask
half of these fucking poems are for you,
so don't ask

as long as we're being "just friends"
hell, why not "just acquaintances"?

I wanted a piece of your heart,
which I thought was accessible,
but it's too hard for you

you're giving me a headache beyond belief
and I'm about to just say
fuck it.

- Oct. 5, 1984, A.D.

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