For the sake of not embarrassing myself in front of fellow peers, I will refrain from writing a poem to my notebook. But I've got to have an intro, because every new notebook begins a new era, and this one's gonna be good.
First, let's reflect on the past year or so, since the poems began:
Autumn, 1983: Pain. Yep. And emotions as varied as the Fall leaves. And coldness like the November wind, making me a stranger.
Winter, 1983-1984: A reversal of roles, where the cold is on the outside, and warmth grows within. Finding friends, and new meanings in friendships.
Spring, 1984: Production. Growth, like the budding spring leaves. Mental downpours onto paper. Fresh blood. New awakenings of the mind. And warmth.
Summer, 1984: Warmth becomes heat. Love locks the poet into a one-track mind. Simplicity - nice, but not me. Ending like a Shakespearian tragedy. The Love Empire comes crashing down - and a part of me with it. In the end, it is not missed.
Autumn, 1984: A definite attempt to lay off the heavy concepts. Friends are strangers - strangers, friends. "So long, poetry!" I cry, as I ride a more sociable wind. So long, reality, I think, as I watch myself weaken, and lose form.
Winter, 1984-1985: So long, Autumn faces. I'm going to put the Vision to coherent work. I'm going to do things I've never tried before. And I sure as hell am going to write. It's the most natural feeling I could ever have. Writing is thinking.
But no resolutions. Just this: A notebook to be kept un-violated by any essays, notes or assignments. A notebook to contain everything I really am, and everything I want to be. A cliche? Yes! And more. The lover that doesn't die after the attempted suicide. The guy in the fog under a streetlamp with a trenchcoat and a hat. The little surprise as you hit the bottom of the confetti in the box.
Dear Reader:
I'm not making any promises. There's no "Satisfaction Guaranteed" sign anywhere. But if it is good, publish me, please!! Or at least put in a good word. We all need a little encouragement, now and then. And besides, I've got the boogeyman on my side...
- Sharon
- Dec. 26, 1984, A.D.
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