I need sleep.
I. Supporting points
A. didn't get much last night
B. homework done in school
II. Business to be done before I crash
A. eat
1. I'm not hungry
2. if I get so hungry it wakes me up, I can get my own
food, thanks
B. see pink paper - I need a cheque for $16
C. I have to make up a few points for P.E.
1. I can make up these points by going in early - be at
school by 7:00
2. can I have the car?
a. if so, I need to be up by 6:05 (yikes)
b. if not, 6:45 as usual
D. I'm delirious
1. don't wake me up unless house is on fire [originally
wrote "until" house is on fire, but scratched it out]
2. I guess I'll feed the cats, now
E. I bet I got an A on the test, tho
F. I also had a quarter vocabulary test and got an A and had
some pop quizzes and got some good grades and lived
till the end of the day
III. Goodnight
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