I want to give you something
but it's not as easy as just walking
to the store and buying it;
it requires some thought
and some feeling
I don't want to buy a record or a poster
or a book
I want to give you a part of me -
but I can't figure out which part that is
It seems like in all the time we've
known each other,
there was never really an answer
who am I to you?
who are you to me?
I would like to tell you
but I don't even know
I know nothing but a feeling
I've been attached to you
since the first day I saw you
sometimes, things are revealed about the soul
more accurately when we are silent;
Before you ever spoke,
I was attached
I want to tell you more,
but I cannot place the feeling
what little we know of each other
means all the world to me
in some strange, indefinable sense of the word,
I do love you
I would explain further,
but I haven't got a clue of how I
came to this feeling;
Yet I am not wrong,
and it seems that I have always
felt this way.
Like two people in a room who think
they are being spied on,
we never exactly told the truth
I was so sure that something dangerous would happen
if I revealed myself
now, I can only wonder where time ran off to,
when we could have talked to each other
So today, I am giving you this,
the truth -
or as close as I can come to it
because I don't want you to leave,
thinking something of me which is
entirely untrue
You couldn't have meant more to me
in the time that we had
and under the conditions which existed
And if there is a future for us,
I will try to help make it a good one
Or if we go our separate ways,
please understand that I'll never
forget you
Not in a million years would I forget you...
- Jan. 9, 1985, A.D.
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