

"I put in my vote today, citizens!!
I say, 'Yes!' to castration of the man
so worthy of late
of the terrible fate
of our city's new birth control plan!

"At our Mayor's request 
I have come to attest
to the fact that this man is a worm"
("Castrate him!  Castrate him!"
they cry in protest.
The accused starts to shiver and squirm)

"Just look at him, now
with those innocent eyes, ladies -
which of you would be upset
to find him caressing your hips and your thighs?
I was stupid -
I encouraged it!

"And to think that I
thought his animal drive
was particular interest in me!
All I was was a body -
no soul and no mind -
how stupid I was not to see!

"And how exciting the danger
of doing a thing
that would break all the rules in this place
but sex is so tempting
and passion so rare"
("But who was it this week?"
the people declare)
"He loves to be wanted and petted
and loved"
("But who will be next week?"
they push and they shove
and with angry red faces
he is pinned to the wall)
"No, not yet, citizens!

"Tell me, do you recall
that I left with a kiss
and came back to the cold
of an actor -
so frightened -
because I broke the mold?

"From the very first day,
he assumed I had come
to demand of him caring
and loving and some of the very long list
of what he's unequipped 
to provide to so lost
and so wanting a soul

"I did want him more
than his life could afford
and paid dearly for all of my hopes
but even now, in the end -
all I want is a friend -
and I find that he still cannot cope

"It has bent me to anger 
and fury and hate
just to think that this man and his sex
could have made 
such an impact on me
and I've seen him tease others
with a touch like so many
reserve for their lovers.
I will not stand for more
of this worm -
I implore you!
Let us all raise our hands
and we'll have him un'man'ned!!"

And the crowd - what an uproar! -
they carried him over
to the city's best surgeon
and the patient, in horror -
with a sigh and a cough
his ambition, cut off. . .

- March 30, 1987, A.D.


Meet the New Boss

The Institution -
I'll always hate -
comes in a different form,
this time.

Little whiny people
watch you,
tell you what to do
they talk talk talk
about rules and problems -
it's always you.

Because you, you -
you know who you are
you've been through these places
and you've learned to ignore
the authority that nibbles
and bites at your reality.

You take a step back
you do what you have to
but you can't pretend
it's "for the good of the company"
then, you become a slave
to their money.

You have a life
beyond this place, and the next
you learn to get by
nothing more, nothing less. . .

- March 27, 1987, A.D.