"10 days!" I thought,
"I have 10 days to be free from the obsessions."
What a foolish idea
It's day two,
and all I want to do is call him
It's the dreams again
they always remind me of those
that sanity begs me to forget
(at least for a while - please)
Prince Charming #534 appears in the vision
it's the last dream before I wake up
that makes it worse
For hours in bed, I contemplate, I fantasize
I keep hold of that feeling
He knows and will know none of this
unless he's done the same
Is that possible?
No (I guess)
I can't wait to get back
to see him
we'll try the hallway scene once more
I won't care if it works or not
as long as I can see him again
I want to say "this is it"
"this is the one that will work"
with no doubts
and no questions
I want to say that I'm sure
Oh, and I'm so close! (ha, ha)
Yes, but I am close
and I've got 8 days to hope that I'm right
8 days. . .
8 days is a lifetime!
One minute at a time, mein Freund. . .
What if I go through weeks more of this uncertainty?
What if I never know?
Is that better than laying everything on the line
to find out?
I'd say I hope the answer comes to me in a dream,
but I'm not sure I could handle another
8 days is the test
I could change my mind
this could be just another infatuation after all
I don't doubt the possibility
but I'm hoping. . .
If I'm right (god, I hope I'm right!)
then what's happening is
magical and wonderful
If I'm wrong, then I'll move on
(god, I hope I'm not wrong)
I swear he's the best one yet
well, the best one available, at least
and that's not bad
It would literally be a dream come true
if it happens right
8 days more to dwell on #534. . .
- March 31, 1985, A.D.