
Thanks for the Short-Term Memories, or How to Get Back on that Unicorn and Ride

I know you're thinking I'm stuck in the past, but if you knew me now, I don't think you would see that.  In fact, I'm not the kind of person who even remembers the past.  If it weren't for the old boxes of notebooks and journals that I saved (most of which haven't even been opened in 20 years), it would all be lost to the ether.  I can keep friends forever, but I don't hang on to memories.

And thank god for short-term memories.  When you're young, growing into new skin and falling in love every two weeks, it really helps to not remember every humiliation that naturally follows.

But I remember enough to tell you that 1985 was really great.  In '82, '83 and '84, I had been mesmerized by unrequited love like sparklers at a birthday party. 1985 was full-on Fourth of July fireworks.  I'll be honest - it was my best year for romantic adventures and real, requited love.  Finally, what all those poems were for, right?  It was "The Rise and Fall of the Love Empire", as I called it, and I had a lot of muses.  [All right, that sounds bad, but come on!  Do you really want this story to end without love, and, at long last, some randy romps through the garden of earthly delights?  After all I've been through?]

I might say something earnest, now, about how I learned something from each lover along the way.  This is true.  I had a lot to learn.  But the most remarkable thing about '85 for me was that I felt free.  Coming of age felt good.  I was self-confident and eager.  I was graduating, going to college, and the whole world felt like it was opening up to me.  I still went through some sad, teachable moments; but in hindsight, I can't complain.  There's a lot I did that year that I won't recommend to anyone's children.  For example, AIDS was just beginning to come into our consciousness, so throwing caution to the wind didn't seem like such a gamble.  But at some point, I have to admit it was just plain fun.  Exploits that my parents would have called "irresponsible" turned out to be a blast.  24 years later, I'm here to say that there was no harm done.

The adventures that I regret - the ones that hurt me the most - were all related to slavish devotion to men who would never love me the way I felt I should be loved (although, to be honest, the door swung both ways).  There's plenty of that in my future, by the way.  By comparison, the shallow trysts and the roads-going-nowhere, the "friends with benefits" and the well-meaning infatuations (followed by well-meaning changes of heart) were really just fine by me.  It was all great while it lasted, and it kept my spirits up and out of the gutter of depression that I tended to sink into when I was bored.

And through it all, I kept writing, as prolifically as ever.  My book was nearly complete:  "Poetry:  100% Pure Beef (or Vice-Versa)".  Complete, but never sent out into the world.  Typed, bound, and left on my desk, along with a whole host of good intentions.  But I'm not going to get you down just yet.  For now, enjoy 1985 in all its glory.  It was the best of times, I'm sure - even for someone who can't remember.


Poetic Justice

Thrills, and Spills
My soul is wriggling
beneath it's skin:
"Let me in!  Let me in!"

It's so sad to be Anonymous
and even I, myself, mistaken
I am shaken
to the bone
By Metaphor, Persona, and Tone
I am filled 
beyond my limit
with Symbolism
and Imagery in it

And just today, I've made my choice:
the world will know this poet's voice

So let the critics speak their fear
that yet another poet's here
And gladly starve, and gladly rot
for after death to share the spot
within a textbook, or a journal
or a placemat, or a paper
and though fame is known to taper --

Let me clearly be defined 
with little numbers by my lines
and little footnotes, stand to reason
when my speech is out of season
that professors will interpret
just the lines that they see fit

And happily, I'll face the hunger
both above and deep down under
but from the world, I do command
one single, solitary stand:
That in life, we be acknowledged
for the labor of our poet's hands.

- Dec. 16, 1985, A.D.


The Hour of Relative Impermanence

The hour of relative impermanence
slips by like a ghost --
kind of hazy and midnight blue;                kind of
soft and satisfied

I lower myself onto the paper
it takes me;
we breathe together

Listless river of night
soothing pond of time
we dream,
we use our words in the silence to say 
Yes, we know them well

Yes all will be complete
it's a dream, you know
don't be afraid to face it

we make these dreams
the day is functional
the night is cerebral
we make these dreams

We sift ourselves in time
Is this me?
Or, it could be this
notations and footnotes
I could be an essay
I could be a piece of cheese

But no, I am a Yes
I am a sultry Uh-Huh
moving smoothly down that placid stream
with a persuasive mellowness,
I communicate with my existence

Sensations unite
it's the hour of relative impermanence
I dream,
and in this dream
I write an essay               And it says

- Dec. 11, 1985, A.D.


Vac U

They believed in what it was
They followed the path that the others
had laid out
They learned how to live in the vacuum

I wonder
If I was ever alone
in my rebellion of it
I believed I was different
I believed I was alone
But here, I see I suffer with the rest

There is something terribly wrong 
in the Institution
It will suck you up
if you don't rebel
But it's the rebellion that kills
It drives us to our half-dead state

Our teachers can't teach
Our students can't learn
Education is dead at the State U

there is a place for me
Perhaps I don't belong in school
But then, who does?
Who belongs to the death?

Perhaps they will tell me
that I am at fault
I can belong, but I don't

They want to help me learn
to live in the vacuum
If I go to them,
they'll let me know that they care

But why?
Why do they exist?
Why must I shake away part of my mind
to reach goals of prosperity?

I'm already believing
that what I feel is not unique
Next, I will learn to work in spite of discontent

Then, I will lose my life
I will believe in what it is
I will follow the path that the others have 
laid out
I will learn how to live in the vacuum

- Dec. 2, 1985, A.D.


I Am Still

I lie unformed
beneath the thick, cotton comforter
in a dark and sullen silence

I feel -
beginning with my extremities;
groping underneath the sheets,
touching the corners of the bed
then, touching myself
I'm feeling for myself

And somewhere, deep within me,
there is a tremor
I try to identify it:
I feel a strength
that denies my dependencies
I am still

I lie unformed
beneath the thick, cotton comforter
In this dark and sullen silence,
I have found myself.

- Nov. 10, 1985, A.D.


Poetry: 100% Pure Beef (or Vice-Versa)

I keep imagining
this amazing dinner party
where everything I have written
is served on fine china
- yes, even the brussels sprouts are there,
sitting in a little metal dish behind the potatoes.

My fire burns in candles
among waxed fruit
My blood is in the wine (sorry Jesus -
I took your line)

I think it's a Chinese meal,
whose appetizers greatly outnumber the 
main courses
But oh! if you can handle the chopsticks,
you're in for a real nice surprise.

One note, however:
When the fortune cookies come, don't look!
Just close your eyes and swallow the paper whole
That way, it will always come true.

- Oct. 16, 1985, A.D.


Soaking It In

I walk
merely for the sake of walking
I don't stop
or wonder. . .

I don't smile or stare or raise my eyebrows
to a thought
but I am open
I receive all the world.

Slowly, unquestioningly, I cross the pavement
The sidewalk feels firm below me
Just in front of every step, the stems of 
dead leaves glisten
the reflections of solitary streetlights
in the Autumn rain
I take a deep breath --
I smell life.

The water soothes me
I imagine myself an explorer in a rain forest
or in a moist, musty cave
or in a future world
I close my eyes
and hear the squishing of wet socks
against the sides of my battered shoes.

Underneath the trees,
the water falls bigger
and harder
Like people who accumulate so much for themselves,
only to find the force that holds them
dropping out from underneath
They fall frightened, confused,
and bitter. . .

Faces, hidden by umbrella colors
hurried feet
I, alone, am relaxed
I do have a destination,
but it's unimportant
The rain gently touches the shoulders
of my trench coat
I bow my head,
and feel the water trickle down
into my skin.

- Oct. 14, 1985, A.D.


I Live

Part I:

was that bouncing baby boy

Crying from the depths of his sacred soul
once again, I live.
once again,              I breathe.

you can tear me apart with your
cold, unwanting eyes
and you can break me down to half a man
but somewhere, there's a greater purpose.
I live.

and the snapshots began.

Part II:

And his life was spotted with occasions and traumas
tiger costumes and chicken pox
cavities and promotions.

The thirty-sixth woman became his wife
The thirteenth job became his life

9000 miles a year salary and commission
twice he missed a flight that crashed
three times the rental car was stolen
His brandy helped to soften the bite
of life's complications

The purpose that was so real and so powerful at first
was not enough to be graded as an essay
he was scolded
and spanked

So he set out to dissect and to be dissected
to learn the names,
to learn the capabilities of the human mind
he found his intelligence to be painful
there were many drawbacks
there were many occasions where he suffered deeply
and neared suicide

His purpose kept him going
but it was no consolation.

Part III:

And he climbed that hill of life out of desperation,
out of fear,
out of a silent hope that kept him empty
in his soul at night

Retirement came
he watched his grandchildren grow
into their own tiger costumes and chicken pox
and cavities and promotions

He stopped working
- he had always hated work

He stopped doing
- he was never a man of action

and he sat in his chair and he thought
his dentures clicked to a slow, contemplative rhythm
but a deeper stronger sense of purpose prevailed:

I live.

- Sept. 29, 1985, A.D.


Hesitant Vulture

Oh yeah
it's gonna hit me in one blinding flash
Oh yeah
I'm gonna know when the precise moment comes

I cannot guess what to say or when to say it
That damn ice age --
could it still be with me?

I can't find the answer in a poem
or an essay by Emerson
or a dream
or a desire
or a tarot card
or in me
I can't find the answer in The Other

The future has come
and I'm lost
and I'm anxious
and in one quick conversation,
an entire dream could be shot down

In an instant
I am vulnerable
two weeks could distract or attract
or perhaps the answer has always been known
perhaps it is waiting for me

I will resort to complete honesty
I will speak of myself as myself
I won't prolong myself to another day

Hesitant vulture
waiting for the right hour
for the perfect piece of meat
this meat may be hard to get
but the mountain I climbed for the view
was much harder

I will be myself
I will sustain
I may survive. . .

- Aug. 28, 1985, A.D.


Gone Fishing

you have lost me
or have I lost you?

You came to me
when all was wrong
You came to me
and all was write

you have evaded me
or have I evaded you?

- Aug. 26, 1985, A.D.


More Photos '85

The only picture of me playing my drum set.  
Okay, also one of the only times I actually played my drum set.
And yes, I dyed my hair black.


Cosmos in the House (Dedicated to Carl Sagan)

I found a black hole in my
cupboard one day
it opened up wide
and nearly swept me away

I found a super-nova
in my cereal bowl
from then, I don't care so much
for Cheerios

And I found the moon lurking behind
my closet door
But it was waxing on my clothing
and it waned all over my floor

It was the day that the Big Dipper
came right out of my oven
That I knew this cosmic-domestic
combination had to end

I tried the strongest cleansers,
but they didn't seem to stop
the trail of Haley's Comet
from landing in my pop

I must admit it is distracting
as I try to get to sleep
when underneath the sheets,
I find a floating galaxy

Or when I sit down to watch the news
on my old T.V.
And shooting stars come popping out
to block the entire screen

I even called the exterminator
and he was blown away
He barely squeezed in through the door
because of the Milky Way

And even with my laundry I do have
substantial doubt
Because with Saturn's rings-around-your-collar,
you can't just Shout it out

And yet, I may be growing fond
of all these oddities
I guess I really shouldn't complain
if the Universe wants to live with me

I suppose I like the fact 
that I have something that's unique
Because I like to take the nebula
for a walk along the street

And maybe it's not so bad
when I'm sitting down for tea
If the Cosmos comes into the room
and has a drink with me

Yeah, I guess I'll keep these little guys
no matter how much I hate
to see dust clouds in the kitchen sink
or lurking on my plate

- Aug. 5, 1985, A.D.


You Can Take It With You: A New Materialism

The plastic kept me warm that night.
I closed my eyes and heard the towels throwing themselves against the cabinet doors.
They nearly screamed for their freedom.
I swear I never realized they had such strong feelings about their lives.
I took them out to the clothes line the next day.
I dressed myself as a blanket and watched them tug at the clothespins with violent force.
It was as tho they had somewhere else to be. . .
The next day, I changed my fabric softener.
I used herbal detergent, and tried the delicate cycle.
I also offered them jazz.
I read them Thoreau - occasionally T.S. Elliot.
Together, we studied Zen until they were rid entirely of static cling.

The next day, the dishes refused to settle.
They rattled incessantly with the vibrating refrigerator.
They offered me no choice.
I gave the fridge some incense and a good defrosting.
The dishes, I hand dried from then on.
The towels would teach them Zen while I sang to them.
And one day, as tho following a suppressed dream or an ancient instinct, the fork ran away with the spoon.
They left a note:

"There is an answer to the oppression of our lives; but it isn't through complaining or protesting with peers.  It is through positive action and only through positive action that we may rise above the constricting hold of our modern existence.
Fork and Spoon"

Today, I shall set out to liberate the furniture.

- Aug. 3, 1985, A.D.


Small Thrills

It's a necklace I love
or a pair of shoes that I can't wait to wear
or earrings that match each other perfectly
or a great smile on an average day
Don't take anything for granted

It's the way I watched you chew your straw
after lunch every day
or a denim jacket I loved
or an outfit I put together
that you said I looked good in
It's the hug that made me ecstatic through
the mundane hours of schoolday blues
And the look in your eyes
I thought, "Wow! Someone likes me!"
It was you

There's a happiness that just can't be contained
There's a love that's waiting for an open heart
to catch it
There's a passion for life that's just dying
to be shared
It's me!
It's the real me

It could be the perfect bunch of grapes
or an exquisite lettuce and cheese sandwich
or a pencil whose lead lays down every letter
with the same inspiration as the artist's hand

It could be a color that's brilliant and captivating
It could be you.

- July 26, 1985, A.D.



Write, Write.
Succession of obsessions
and grab-bag nuances
and dreams dancing to life
from the hand -

she has such mystique.           (they say)

Love-dappled paintbrush pencil
dip, dip stroke
switch to blue, then change the hues
what a hand

what meaning has this hand?

Write, Write.
Fear makes me fill these pages
a slow to stop could be fatal
my art evades me
evolve, evolve

Who shall I write for today?

- July 6, 1985, A.D.


Heading Towards the Camel Horizon

She contemplates,
and diminishes.

"Hold on!
Where are you going?"

(She smiles
a sad, knowing smile.
She has always loved him.)
"I can't linger.
I must move on. . ."

"Will you ever return?"

(She turns away.  Muddled tears. . .)

/i love him.  if i'm gone long enough to remember,
then i will return.
but there's no holding on
and there's no turning back
and i am leaving now/

(She turns to him)
"Perhaps I'll come again.
But don't wait for me."

"Please. . .          Don't go."

/don't go!  don't go!. . .                                  don't go?/

(She cries to herself.)

/if i stay, i will grow to hate him
if i leave, imagine the good memories!
i am victimized by expectations
no matter how much i want. . ./

"No, you don't understand, dear.
I'm gone - no more goodbyes.
I'll see you on a new horizon.
I love you, so don't hurt yourself.
Take care.
We'll keep in touch."
(She turns and walks away.
Question marks have spilled out of her brain
and are beginning to clog her nose and throat.)

/why oh why oh why do i put up with this torment?
i only wanted a little taste
i didn't want the heavy load of him accepting me
and appreciating me
and - dare i even think it? - wanting to be near me
AND often
this, i could not take

so who's to blame me?
it's unnatural to be devoted to someone like me
it's idiotic
it's insane
and if the only way to stop it is to hurt him,
why i -
i -
i didn't mean to cause the pain

i know. . .
i could have stuck around and we could have gone through
hell together
and then -

no, i've already been through all of this
it's settled
i've walked away and i have not left any personal belongings
in his house
i am the phosphorescent lamb,
and it's a sunset like the ads for the cigarettes i smoke
- i'm heading towards the Camel horizon. . ./
(She lifts her head up, dries her face,
and waits for the "walk" signal.)

She contemplates,
and diminishes.

- June 25, 1985, A.D.


Poetry: 100% Pure Beef (or Vice-Versa)

It's raining slow romantics
in a daytime nighttime anytime haze
you can rap the blues
if you wear soft shoes
because nothing beats the boredom better
than standing in the rain
and getter wetter
and you can dream of the day that you devolve
into a puddle
or a poet
or a soft, bouncy piece of rubber
as you know, we are all evolving into plastic

It's pouring slow romantics
nine days out of ten, they're out of sight
but when they kiss the sky,
they come dancing down
nice, he says,
an interesting concept
but then, it's never too late to become an obedient dog
don't you think?

- June 13, 1985, A.D.


Poetry: 100% Pure Beef (or Vice-Versa)

100% pure beef
or vice-versa

she used to eat paper with expression
she was too young to get 
the punchline

a little brown on the edges
but chewy, and hard to digest
she tried the A-1 sauce,
but it dribbled over the sides
with determination,
she continued to cook

it was a cold January day
full of yearning
and desire
she was pushed over the edge --
she kept going
but still a little red on the inside

time for the barbeque sauce
remember, when in doubt,
always check the roots
abstract, cooking deep within the outer crust
beyond what can be seen
she continues
more slowly, now
more carefully

well done:
thank you.

- May 26, 1985, A.D.


What's Felt

What's felt
is known
and proven

More destiny than plan
Take it slow
it will last forever -- 
some way or another
not always good,
but sometimes 

but overwhelming,
suddenly, it all came together
in your mind;
I really meant it
and there I was

in soft contact
your heart is racing
I really mean it
you should never have to question
When I'm gone,
it will still be there
it's shorter than we think until --
hold on to that heartbeat
it speaks rightly
there are no deceptions
as we -
separate -
in time
only the heartbeat
don't ever seek more

Fluid time:
my next day
is the day with you
what matters here
is only a dream
it means something,
but I can't say what
it will be gone tomorrow

I'm flying like never before
my journey is just beginning
it's going to be good
and I'd like you to join me
at least for a while
It's waiting

How well it was known
seen, but deeply within
one view for each mind
merging in time
to one view to share
one feeling that binds us
never the same in both minds
but the single,
solitary heartbeat
will sustain the truth

It's nothing
and it's everything
it is also something
but don't confuse
what is born of the stars
with the laws
of the earth
all that is
is among the heartbeats
rules and obligations
will only stop the pulse

Yes, universally
don't know
I cannot say, yet
I have always known
and never known

There is no time
between the meetings
progress is fast
although spaced
by weeks
by clock
and calendar
it does not change us

I think I know how you feel
so obvious how it is with me
too easy
too good,
but meant to be
I'm not the only one who feels
you must deserve this happiness

For me?
I pessimize
what I deserve
is hope returned
perhaps it's the same light
we're searching for,

It's deep, this feeling
not easily broken
it's held firmly in the heartbeat
it belongs to you of its own free will
take care with it
it can enhance you

relax, content
and wait
tomorrow is today
what's felt 
is known
and proven

- May 20, 1985, A.D.


Steps to knowing a person

Acknowledged Stranger:

see her
realize that you've never seen or noticed her before
notice any unique physical traits
think about that person (ex: what's her name?  how old is she?)
observe things that she does
acknowledge her in the future as someone you've seen before
find out her name
determine why you find that person interesting
develop theories about what she's like
begin to think about her outside of the times that she is around

Beginning of Fusion:

find yourself in the same group of people as she
remark to something she says or does/ she remarks to something you say or do
be introduced
hold a conversation
speak to each other in the future

Become Acquaintances:

refer or speak to her using her name
develop an idea of her personality
see her again in a different situation
after having seen her under a different light, alter your interpretation of her personality to adapt to this new view
listen to others talk about her
apply others' views to your own
"test" those views by studying the person
come to conclusions about the others' views
ask her questions about herself/ she asks questions about you

Become Friends:

care about her
get to know her bad points
learn to accept those bad points
become comfortable meeting and talking to her at social events
become comfortable being alone with her
feel secure speaking to her while she is among her own friends
realize the things you both have in common
be content with your relationship as it stands

Hang Out Together:

go out of your way to call or see her
invite each other places
speak of her to others as a friend
think of her whenever in the mood to do something
begin to discuss deeper subjects with her
offer her your time if she requests it
your image of her is based more and more on what she tells you of herself, not what you see

Good Friends:

one finally deeply confides in the other
conflicts (ex: personality, ideological) arise, but are overcome
one comes to expect certain things of the other
a definite bond becomes evident
you and she are seen together often
any secrets, if known of, begin to be resented
openness becomes necessary for the sustenance of the relationship
you can honestly state your opinion of her to her
you feel comfortable saying almost anything to her
you come to a point where you would feel very empty if you were to ever lose her
perhaps there are some psychic transactions
two almost, but not completely, become one

- May 11, 1985, A.D.

[From 2009:  I just have to comment on this one.  I have no idea why I wrote this, and so it fascinates me.  Was it because I was taking sociology at the time?  Is it just another reminder of my inner obsessive geek?  Is there something I was trying to figure out here, or did I just happen to have a lot of extra time on my hands, that day?  I don't know.  Does it mean anything?]