
Happy Sweet Sixteenth

it's my suicide
all of it
I'm resented for truth
I can't deny,
(whatever I said)

(She's sitting next to me, now)

my fate is sitting next to me
the one I love more than the world
and if she wants to fuck me up
or if she wants to let me fuck her up,
I suppose I'll let her
her pain is mine

(But what's it all worth?)

I'm not sure what I'm trying to say or do
but she's with me
I don't know what she's trying to say or do
(But she's with me)

How much?
How much is she with me?
Or with and against at the same time?
(I look into her eyes - what do I see?)

It's all the same
I guess...

- Nov. 19,1983, A.D.


Behind the Garage (My Spooky Autumn)

I bang my head against the wall,
throw myself from room to room,
scream in the darkness of my life
and grasp for the light
which becomes dimmer as I gaze upon it

It flies away from me, faster than light's speed
and becomes a star
one among millions in a gloomy November sky
Suddenly, I see that my life is parallel to that star
as the lives of my friends are oblique

I look down, and there we are
behind the garage
smoking a clove and holding each other
like we've never been held before
radiating with love
reaching out for assurance
flowing in and flowing out,
but always coming back to the reality of our lives
The pain
that we've given each other
that we've created ourselves

When I look up, my friends are gone
the sky is a dark haze
I am alone with my cigarette and my thoughts
But they are no comfort to me
I scream out, but no one comes running
I cry
but no one is there to wipe tears,
or rid me of frustration

I'm cold -
when did it grow so cold inside me?
Why is there so much pain?

The wind whispers past me
softly, hoping I won't notice it has no answers

There is too much light in the world and not enough enlightenment!
Inside, I am struck with mental arrows
and torn apart,
piece by bloody piece,
devoured by my own frustration and unrest

I lie down on the grass and put out the cigarette
ignore the tears, falling
as though there were a leak in my life

Where is the star that parallels me?
Up there, somewhere, in the haze
I can't see it, but I need it, now
to know it's there
and my life has a purpose

Eventually, I pull myself up,
walk back towards the lifeless house,
up the creaky stairs
and back to my nothing half-thoughts
that keep me from school work

My mind is still behind the garage with the others,
and in the stars -
but I tap off the ashes and live on...

- Nov. 16, 1983, A.D.


The Road

As I walk down the road on this cool Autumn day, I feel like I 
shouldn't be walking alone. And yet there's only one person who 
can take this empty place beside me. But times, like the leaves of 
the season, turning colors and fluttering as tho predestined to the 
ground, do change.

It's a worn path I walk; I know every bump and curve; and it 
can distinguish my soft tread from any of the millions of others 
whose souls have touched this concrete. I do not walk alone.

And the missing person, the one who should be here, never 
leaves my side. She is always with me. If I ever had a hurt or a 
fear in my life, she is my comfort. If I ever needed someone to 
confide in, she is around. I am tragically lost without her, and yet 
I'm never without her. We walk in each other's footsteps, crisscross 
each other's paths, and step synchronized to the same beat of life.  
Now, each footstep I take carries a memory of times past.

But we're still walking the road together. The birds reassure 
me of it. She talks to me thru the crackling of the dry, brown leaves 
under my feet. And she speaks to me thru the whispering wind.

Has it all been said before? by other romantics and poets?  
But it can be said a million times and still be true, can't it?  If it 
comes from the heart? It has so devastated and so moved me that 
I must express. Love is not easily forgotten; friendship not easily 
abandoned; wounds not easily healed. So as I walk down the road 
on this cool Autumn day, she is on my mind. She is here, yet gone 
all the same. My mind races back to the times we once had.  This is 
how I keep her with me. And today, we are as one.

(Nov. 1983)